Une voyage dans la région du manga Demon Slayer! Visitez les sanctuaires de Kamado dans le Kyushu

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Si vous regardez Demon Slayer, le nom de «Kamado» vous semble probablement familier! Découvrez les sanctuaires du sud du Japon où les fans de Demon Slayer ne peuvent s’empêcher de se rassembler.

Le sanctuaire Kamada, à Fukuoka

Vous aimez Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba (鬼 滅 の 刃) et souhaitez vous rendre au cœur de l'histoire lors de votre voyage au Japon? Les liens profonds de l'anime avec l'histoire japonaise et les légendes traditionnelles des démons oni (鬼), en font une information amusante lorsque vous préparez votre voyage avant d'explorer la culture japonaise. Mais si vous vous considérez comme un vrai fan, vous voudrez peut-être même laisser Demon Slayer vous guider jusqu'au sud de l'île japonaise de Kyushu! Car il s'avère que les sanctuaires Kamado fondés là-bas, il y a des centaines d'années, sont des endroits incontournables pour les fans de Demon Slayer!

Le sanctuaire Kamado (宝 満 宮 竈 門神 社) de Fukuoka existe depuis plus de 1350 ans, créé pour la première fois en 673. Pendant de nombreuses années, il a été un sanctuaire populaire pour les "enmusubi" (縁 結 び), et les gens venaient y prier pour bénéficier de bonnes relations avec les autres, et il accueille encore fréquemment des cérémonies de mariage shinto. Jusqu'à tout récemment, le sanctuaire était une destination quelque peu mineure, attirant de petites foules venant du sanctuaire bien plus populaire de Dazaifu Tenmangu (太宰府 天 満 宮).

Bien sûr, sa réputation a changé au cours des dernières années, grâce à la montée en popularité explosive de Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba!

Comme beaucoup de lieux religieux au Japon, le sanctuaire Kamado propose des tablettes de veux ema (絵 馬) sur lesquelles les visiteurs peuvent écrire leurs souhaits et les accrocher dans le sanctuaire. Nous pouvons tous comprendre que les fans de Demon Slayer ne se contentent pas d'écrire leurs souhaits et de s'en aller, comme vous le voyez dans de nombreux sanctuaires. Il y a des œuvres d'art incroyablement impressionnantes dessinées sur les tablettes en bois, mettant en vedette tout le monde, de Nezuko et Tanjiro au puissant (et largement détesté?) Giyu Tomioka.

Certains des souhaits sont également spécifiques aux manga, les gens écrivant par exemple leurs espoirs que "les démons seront éradiqués" ou que le pauvre Zenitsu trouvera enfin l'amour.

Kamado Shrine, Fukuoka (宝満宮竈門神社)
883 Uchiyama, Dazaifu, Fukuoka
Official Website (jp)

Le sanctuaire Kamado à Oita

Il y a en fait des sanctuaires «Kamado» partout au Japon, et bien que celui de Fukuoka soit la plus grande destination, le sanctuaire Kamado de Beppu, Oita s'est également fait un petit nom. La petite ville de Beppu est surtout connue pour ses onsen (温泉, sources chaudes) abondants et extrêmement populaires , mais le sanctuaire Hachiman Kamado de la région (八 幡 竈 門神 社) regorge en fait d'une variété d'attractions liées aux démons.

Image Source: Hachiman Kamado Shrine

Sur le terrain du sanctuaire se trouvent les «90 marches construites par des démons», accompagnées de leur propre légende démoniaque locale. Selon l'histoire, un démon ravageait le village local, venant manger les gens tous les soirs et détruisant tout ce qu'ils avaient construit. Quand tout est devenu trop difficile pour les villageois, ils ont prié le dieu Hachiman de les sauver, et il a répondu. La réponse de Hachiman fut de dire au démon que s'il ne pouvait pas construire 100 marches de pierre avant le lever du soleil, il serait puni, et devrait laisser les villageois seuls et ne jamais revenir. Eh bien, comme vous pouvez le voir lors d'une visite, le démon n'a atteint que 90 marches, avant d'être effrayé par l'aube – et n'est jamais revenu! Cela ressemble au genre de défi que Tanjiro pourrait essayer de proposer aussi.

Il y a aussi la "sandale de pierre oubliée du démon" (鬼 が 忘 れ た 石 草 履) qui vous apportera apparemment du courage … si vous osez mettre votre propre pied à l'intérieur!

Image Source: Oita Katete

Étant donné qu'ils proviennent des mêmes légendes et images japonaises, il n'est pas surprenant que les visiteurs commentent à quel point la peinture de dragon du sanctuaire Hachiman Kamado ressemble aux dragons qui apparaissent pour les techniques les plus avancées de Tanjiro!

Bien sûr, il y a aussi de superbes fan art d'ema à Beppu!

Hachiman Kamado Shrine, Oita (八幡竈門神社)
1900 Uchikamado, Beppu, Oita
Official Website (jp)

Que vous souhaitiez vous rendre à Fukuoka pour les copieux ramen Hakata avant de visiter le fabuleux ema du sanctuaire Kamado, ou vous rendre à Beppu pour des bains de sources chaudes luxuriantes et les marches construites par les démons du sanctuaire Hachiman Kamado, vous aurez droit à une expérience liée à Demon Slayer des plus uniques.  Ne manquez pas l'occasion d'y aller si vous voyagez à proximité, et dites-nous comment cela ça s'est passé sur les twitter, instagram, et facebook de Japankuru!


Je suis venu au Japon pour un semestre d'étude à l'étranger et j'y suis restée depuis, certainement tombée sous le charme du pays. Dites-moi toutes les choses intéressantes liées au Japon que vous connaissez sur instagram ou twitter @japankuru!

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・The new Tokyo flagship for Volcom Japan is a center for all things skateboarding, street fashion, art, and culture, all in the heart of Shibuya!
・Volcom日本旗艦店東京澀谷登場 本格派滑板街頭潮流藝文新據點
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・The new Tokyo flagship for Volcom Japan is a center for all things skateboarding, street fashion, art, and culture, all in the heart of Shibuya! ・Volcom日本旗艦店東京澀谷登場 本格派滑板街頭潮流藝文新據點 #Volcom #japankuru #shibuya #日本購物 #日本潮流 #日本街頭時尚 #澀谷 #東京購物 #東京購物推薦 #東京潮店 #澀谷潮店 #滑板 #雪板 #衝浪 #볼컴 #시부야

Which snacks make the best Japanese souvenirs?~ Jaga Pirika ~
일본과자 선물 뭐하지?~자가피리카 편~
#pr #calbee #jagapokkuru #japanesesnacks #japanesefood #japanesesouvenir #japantravel #japantrip #naritaairport #hokkaido #나리타국제공항 #일본여행선물 #흔하지않은기념품 #일본쇼핑리스트 #일본과자추천 #고구마과자 #일본간식추천 #일본면세점쇼핑 #개별포장 #일본감자칩 #도쿄나리타공항면세점 #현지인추천 #일본여행 #일본기념품리스트 #자가포쿠루 #자가피리카

Which snacks make the best Japanese souvenirs?~ Jaga Pirika ~ 일본과자 선물 뭐하지?~자가피리카 편~ #pr #calbee #jagapokkuru #japanesesnacks #japanesefood #japanesesouvenir #japantravel #japantrip #naritaairport #hokkaido #나리타국제공항 #일본여행선물 #흔하지않은기념품 #일본쇼핑리스트 #일본과자추천 #고구마과자 #일본간식추천 #일본면세점쇼핑 #개별포장 #일본감자칩 #도쿄나리타공항면세점 #현지인추천 #일본여행 #일본기념품리스트 #자가포쿠루 #자가피리카

Asakusa's Sanja Matsuri, one of the biggest festivals in all of Tokyo, is almost here! Make sure you check out the festival route so you don't miss all the festivities this May.
#asakusa #sanjafestival #sanjamatsuri #asakusashrine #sensoji #sensojitemple #japanesefestival #shintoshrine #japaneseculture #tokyo #tokyotrip #tokyotravel #asakusasightseeing #matsuri #japantrip #japantravel #springinjapan #tokyotravel #japankuru #산자마츠리 #아사쿠사 #일본마츠리 #일본여행 #일본5월

Asakusa's Sanja Matsuri, one of the biggest festivals in all of Tokyo, is almost here! Make sure you check out the festival route so you don't miss all the festivities this May. #asakusa #sanjafestival #sanjamatsuri #asakusashrine #sensoji #sensojitemple #japanesefestival #shintoshrine #japaneseculture #tokyo #tokyotrip #tokyotravel #asakusasightseeing #matsuri #japantrip #japantravel #springinjapan #tokyotravel #japankuru #산자마츠리 #아사쿠사 #일본마츠리 #일본여행 #일본5월

Odaiba's DiverCity Tokyo Plaza is home to the famous real-size 20m-tall Unicorn Gundam, and the popular shopping center has even more Gundam on the inside! Check out the Gundam Base Tokyo on the 7th floor for shelves upon shelves of Gunpla, and the Gundam Base Tokyo Annex on the 2nd floor for cool anime merchandise. Both shops have tons of limited-edition items!
#pr #odaiba #tokyo #tokyotrip #japantrip #japantravel #PR #divercity #divercitytokyoplaza #tokyoshopping #gundam #unicorngundam #gundambasetokyo #anime #otaku #gunpla #japankuru #오다이바 #다이바시티도쿄 #오다이바건담 #건담 #일본건담 #건프라 #건담베이스도쿄

Odaiba's DiverCity Tokyo Plaza is home to the famous real-size 20m-tall Unicorn Gundam, and the popular shopping center has even more Gundam on the inside! Check out the Gundam Base Tokyo on the 7th floor for shelves upon shelves of Gunpla, and the Gundam Base Tokyo Annex on the 2nd floor for cool anime merchandise. Both shops have tons of limited-edition items! #pr #odaiba #tokyo #tokyotrip #japantrip #japantravel #PR #divercity #divercitytokyoplaza #tokyoshopping #gundam #unicorngundam #gundambasetokyo #anime #otaku #gunpla #japankuru #오다이바 #다이바시티도쿄 #오다이바건담 #건담 #일본건담 #건프라 #건담베이스도쿄

Evangelion, in miniature!? Tokyo's SMALL WORLDS Miniature Museum is actually a must-see for anime lovers, thanks to the tiny Evangelion Hangar and Tokyo-III... plus a whole universe of other scenes both real and fictional.
#smallworlds #smallworldstokyo #tokyotrip #tokyotravel #evangelion #eva #anime #miniature #miniatures #animefigure #japantrip #japantravel #에반게리온 #스몰월드 #에반겔리온 #スモールワールズ #오다이바 #아리아케

Evangelion, in miniature!? Tokyo's SMALL WORLDS Miniature Museum is actually a must-see for anime lovers, thanks to the tiny Evangelion Hangar and Tokyo-III... plus a whole universe of other scenes both real and fictional. #smallworlds #smallworldstokyo #tokyotrip #tokyotravel #evangelion #eva #anime #miniature #miniatures #animefigure #japantrip #japantravel #에반게리온 #스몰월드 #에반겔리온 #スモールワールズ #오다이바 #아리아케

Have you sat down for a snack at Sumida Aquarium yet? This aquarium next to Tokyo Skytree is known for its penguins and garden eels, but we can't get enough of their cute snacks! There are lots of good seats around the aquarium, too, so it almost feels like one big cafe. 🐧
Find out more at Japankuru.com! (Link in bio.)
#japankuru #sumidaaquarium #skytree #tokyoskytree #solamachi #sumida #tokyo #tokyotrip #tokyotravel #aquarium #japanesesweets #themecafe #すみだ水族館 #Japan #日本 #일본 #Japon #ญี่ปุ่น #Japão #япония #japantravel #日本旅行 #日本旅遊 #japan_of_insta #japantrip #traveljapan #japan🇯🇵 #igerstokyo #explorejapan

Have you sat down for a snack at Sumida Aquarium yet? This aquarium next to Tokyo Skytree is known for its penguins and garden eels, but we can't get enough of their cute snacks! There are lots of good seats around the aquarium, too, so it almost feels like one big cafe. 🐧 • Find out more at Japankuru.com! (Link in bio.) • #japankuru #sumidaaquarium #skytree #tokyoskytree #solamachi #sumida #tokyo #tokyotrip #tokyotravel #aquarium #japanesesweets #themecafe #すみだ水族館 #Japan #日本 #일본 #Japon #ญี่ปุ่น #Japão #япония #japantravel #日本旅行 #日本旅遊 #japan_of_insta #japantrip #traveljapan #japan🇯🇵 #igerstokyo #explorejapan

For anime fans, the Evangelion areas at Small Worlds Miniature Museum are a must see! The tiny miniature people in the Evangelion Hangar look like ants beneath the moving Unit-01, Unit-00, and Unit-02! And over in Tokyo-III, characters like Shinji, Rei, and Katsuragi live life on a miniature scale.
#odaiba #tokyo #tokyotrip #japantrip #japantravel #ariake #smallworlds #miniaturemuseum #smallworldstokyo #tokyotravel #evangelion #eva #anime #miniature #miniatures #animefigure #japankuru #스몰월드 #에반게리온 #오다이바 #오다이바관광 #오다이바스몰월드 #미니어쳐

For anime fans, the Evangelion areas at Small Worlds Miniature Museum are a must see! The tiny miniature people in the Evangelion Hangar look like ants beneath the moving Unit-01, Unit-00, and Unit-02! And over in Tokyo-III, characters like Shinji, Rei, and Katsuragi live life on a miniature scale. #odaiba #tokyo #tokyotrip #japantrip #japantravel #ariake #smallworlds #miniaturemuseum #smallworldstokyo #tokyotravel #evangelion #eva #anime #miniature #miniatures #animefigure #japankuru #스몰월드 #에반게리온 #오다이바 #오다이바관광 #오다이바스몰월드 #미니어쳐





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      Hokkaido (北海道) is the northernmost island in the four main islands that make up Japan. Famous for Sapporo Beer, NIKKA WHISKY, and the winter festival "Yuki Matsuri" in Sapporo, Hokkaido is also known for their beautiful national parks. Potatoes, cantaloupe, dairy products, "Genghis Khan", soup curry, and miso ramen are their known famous foods!


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      Sapporo, in the south-western part of Hokkaido, is the prefecture's political and economic capital. The local New Chitose Airport see arrivals from major cities like Tokyo and Osaka, alongside international flights. Every February, the Sapporo Snow Festival is held in Odori Park―one of the biggest events in Hokkaido. It's also a hotspot for great food, known as a culinary treasure chest, and Sapporo is a destination for ramen, grilled mutton, soup curry, and of course Hokkaido's beloved seafood.

    • Consisting of 6 prefectures, the Tohoku region (東北地方) is located in the northeastern part of Japan's main island. Being a beautiful source of nature and agriculture, the region is well known for its stunning mountains, lakes, and hot springs.

    • Akita Prefecture is on the Sea of Japan, in the northern reaches of Japan's northern Tohoku region. Akita has more officially registered important intangible culture assets than anywhere else in Japan, and to this day visitors can experience traditional culture throughout the prefecture, from the Oga Peninsula's Namahage (registered with UNESCO as a part of Japan's intangible cultural heritage), to the Tohoku top 3 Kanto Festival. Mysterious little spots like the Oyu Stone Circle Site and Ryu no Atama (Dragon's Head) are also worth a visit!


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      Fukushima Prefecture sits at the southern tip of Japan's northern Tohoku region, and is divided into three parts with their own different charms: the Coastal Area (Hama-dori), the Central Area (Naka-dori), and the Aizu Area. There's Aizu-Wakamatsu with its Edo-era history and medieval castles, Oze National Park, Kitakata ramen, and Bandai Ski Resort (with its famous powder snow). Fukushima is a beautiful place to enjoy the vivid colors and sightseeing of Japan's beloved four seasons.


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      Yamagata Prefecture is up against the Sea of Japan, in the southern part of the Tohoku region, and it's especially popular in winter, when travelers soak in the onsen (hot springs) and ski down snowy slopes. International skiiers are especially fond of Zao Onsen Ski Resort and Gassan Ski Resort, and in recent years visitors have been drawn to the area to see the mystical sight of local frost-covered trees. Some destinations are popular regardless of the season, like Risshakuji Temple, AKA Yamadera, Ginzan Onsen's nostalgic old-fashioned streets, and Zao's Okama Lake, all great for taking pictures. Yamagata is also the place to try Yonezawa beef, one of the top 3 varieties of wagyu beef.

    • Being the most densely populated area, the Kanto region (関東地方) includes the Greater Tokyo Area and 7 prefectures: Gunma, Tochigi, Ibaraki, Saitama, Tokyo, Chiba, and Kanagawa. It is considered to be the cultural, political, economic heartland of Japan due to each prefecture offering something different from their neighbor.

    • Gunma Prefecture is easily accessible from Tokyo, and in addition to the area's popular natural attractions like Oze Marshland and Fukiware Falls, Gunma also has a number of popular hot springs (Kusatsu, Ikaho, Minakami, Shima)―it's even called an Onsen Kingdom. The prefecture is popular with history buffs and train lovers, thanks to spots like world heritage site Tomioka Silk Mill, the historic Megane-bashi Bridge, and the Watarase Keikoku Sightseeing Railway.


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      Tochigi Prefecture's capital is Utsunomiya, known for famous gyoza, and just an hour from Tokyo. The prefecture is full of nature-related sightseeing opportunities year-round, from the blooming of spring flowers to color fall foliage. Tochigi also has plenty of extremely well-known sightseeing destinations, like World Heritage Site Nikko Toshogu Shrine, Lake Chuzenji, and Ashikaga Flower Park―famous for expansive wisteria trellises. In recent years the mountain resort town of Nasu has also become a popular excursion, thanks in part to the local imperial villa. Tochigi is a beautiful place to enjoy the world around you.

    • Tokyo (東京) est la capitale animée du Japon et la région métropolitaine la plus peuplée du monde. Alors que la ville dans son ensemble est assez moderne, bondée de gratte-ciel et de foules animées, Tokyo conserve également son côté traditionnel dans des endroits tels que le palais impérial et le quartier d'Asakusa. C'est l'une des meilleures villes du monde en matière de culture, d'arts, de mode, de jeux, d'industries de haute technologie, de transport et plus encore.

    • The Chubu region (中部地方) is located in the center of Japan's main island and consists of 9 prefectures: Aichi, Fukui, Gifu, Ishikawa, Nagano, Niigata, Shizuoka, Toyama, and Yamanashi. Being primarily famous for its mountains like Mount Fuji and the Japanese Alps, and ski resorts in Niigata and Nagano, it is a popular winter destination for tourists.

    • Nagano Prefecture's popularity starts with a wealth of historic treasures, like Matsumoto Castle, Zenkoji Temple, and Togakushi Shrine, but the highlight might just be the prefecture's natural vistas surrounded by the "Japanese Alps." Nagano's fruit is famous, and there are plenty of places to pick it fresh, and the area is full of hot springs, including Jigokudani Monkey Park―where monkeys take baths as well! Thanks to the construction of the Hokuriku shinkansen line, Nagano is easily reachable from the Tokyo area, adding it to plenty of travel itineraries. And after the 1998 Nagano Winter Olympics, ski resorts like Hakuba and Shiga Kogen are known around the world.

    • Aichi Prefecture sits in the center of the Japanese islands, and its capital city, Nagoya, is a center of politics, commerce, and culture. While Aichi is home to major industry, and is even the birthplace of Toyota cars, it's proximity to the sea and the mountains means it's also a place with beautiful natural scenery, like Saku Island, Koijigahama Beach, Mt. Horaiji. Often used a stage for major battles in Japanese history, Sengoku era commanders like Oda Nobunaga, Toyotomi Hideyoshi, and Tokugawa Ieyasu left their own footprints on Aichi, and historic buildings like Nagoya Castle, Inuyama Castle, and those in Meiji Mura are still around to tell the tale.


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      Niigata is a prefecture on Japan's main island of Honshu, situated right on the coast of the Sea of Japan, and abundant with the gifts of nature. It's known for popular ski resorts such as Echigo-Yuzawa, Japanese national parks, and natural hot spring baths, plus local products like fresh seafood, rice, and sake. Visitors often spend time in the prefectural capital, Niigata City, or venture across the water to Sado Island.


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      Shizuoka Prefecture is sandwiched between eastern and western Japan, giving the prefecture easy access to both Tokyo and Osaka. Not only is it known for beautiful natural attractions, with everything from Mount Fuji to Suruga Bay, Lake Hamanako, and Sumata Pass―Shizuoka's Izu Peninsula is known as a go-to spot for hot springs lovers, with famous onsen like Atami, Ito, Shimoda, Shuzenji, and Dogashima. Shizuoka attracts all kinds of travelers thanks to historic connections with the Tokugawa clan, the Oigawa Railway, fresh eel cuisine, Hamamatsu gyoza, and famously high-quality green tea.

    • Kansai (関西地方) is a region that includes Mie, Nara, Wakayama, Kyoto, Osaka, Hyogo and Shiga prefectures. Gradually becoming one of the most popular areas of Japan, Kyoto's temples and shrines, Osaka Castle, and feeding the deer in Kobe are considered a must. Many say the people in Kansai are more open and friendly, making it a fun place to hang out at night.

    • Kyoto flourished as the capital of Japan between the years 794 and 1100, becoming a center for poilitics and culture, and to this day it's a great place for close encounters with Japanese history. The cobbled streets of Gion, the atmospheric road to Kiyomizudera Temple, Kinkakuji's golden walls and countless historic attractions, even Arashiyama's Togetsukyo Bridge―Kyoto is a place of many attractions. With new charms to experience throughout the seasons, travelers can't stop themselves from returning again and again.

    • Osaka is known for friendly (and funny) people, but its history is nothing to laugh at, playing a major part in Toyotomi Hideyoshi's 16th century unification of Japan. Thanks to long years of economic activity, it's one of Japan's biggest cities, and Osaka's popular food culture earned it the nickname "The Kitchen of the Nation." To this day Osaka is the model of western Japan, and alongside historic structures like Osaka Castle, it also has major shopping malls like Umeda's Grand Front Osaka and Tennoji's Abeno Harukas. Osaka is a place to eat, eat, eat, with local specialties like takoyaki, okonomiyaki, and kushi-katsu, and for extra fun, it's home to Universal Studios Japan.


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      The Chugoku Region (中国地方) consists of five prefectures: Hiroshima, Okayama, Shimane, Tottori, and Yamaguchi. In Chugoku you’ll find the sand dunes of Tottori, and Hiroshima’s atomic bomb site, plus centers of ancient history like Grand Shrine of Izumo.


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      On the other side of the Seto Inland Sea opposite Japan’s main island, Shikoku (四国) is a region made up of four prefectures: Ehime, Kagawa, Kochi, and Tokushima. The area is famous for its udon (in Kagawa), and the beautiful Dogo Onsen hot springs (in Ehime).

    • Kagawa Prefecture is on the northern part of the island of Shikoku, facing Japan's main island and the Seto Inland Sea. It's known for being the smallest prefecture in Japan, by area, but at the same time Kagawa is called the "Udon Prefecture" thanks to its famous sanuki udon. Aside from Kotohiragu Shrine and Ritsurin Garden, the prefecture's small islands are popular, and Kagawa is full of unique destinations, like Angel Road. They say that if you lay eyes on Zenigata Sunae, a huge Kagawa sand painting, you'll never have money troubles ever again.

    • Located in the most southwestern part of Japan, Kyushu (九州) has 7 prefectures: Fukuoka, Saga, Nagasaki, Kumamoto, Oita, Miyazaki and Kagoshima. Famous for its unique culture and history of Chinese and Dutch trade and Western missionaries, Kyushu offers many historic treasures and beauties. It is also home to some of Japan's most famous natural hot springs due to all the volcanos.


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      Fukuoka Prefecture has the highest population on the southern island of Kyushu, with two major cities: Fukuoka and Kitakyushu. Thanks to growing transportation networks, Fukuoka is more accessible than ever, and so are the many local attractions. On top of historical spots like Dazaifu Tenmangu Shrine, travelers shouldn't miss Fukuoka's food scene, with motsu nabe (offal hotpot), mentaiko (spicy cod roe), and famous Hakata ramen―best eaten from a food stall in the Nakasu area of Hakata. Plus, it's full of all sorts of destinations for travelers, like trendy shopping centers, and the beautiful nature of Itoshima and Yanagawa.


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      Kagoshima Prefecture played a major role in Japan's modernization as a backdrop for famous historical figures like samurais Saigo Takamori and Okubo Toshimichi, who pushed Japan out of the Edo era and into the Meiji. Because of that, Sengan-en Garden is just one of many historical destinations, and when it comes to attractions Kagoshima has plenty: the active volcano of Sakurajima, popular hot springs Ibusuki Onsen and Kirishima Onsen, World Heritage Site Yakushima Island, even what Japan calls the "island closest to heaven," Amami Oshima. Kagoshima might be found on the very southernmost tip of the southern island of Kyushu, but there's plenty to see.


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      The island chain of Okinawa (沖縄) makes up the southernmost tip of Japan, which is why it's also the most tropical area in the country. Thanks to a history of independence and totally distinct political and cultural events, Okinawa has a unique culture, and remnants of the Ryukyu Kingdom are still visible all over the islands. Food, language, traditional dress, it's all a little different! It's also said to be the birthplace of karate.

